So a terrible tragedy has struck among us.....Bonnie, my dear old 1998 Dodge Neon has passed on. She was totaled in a car pile up accident on 11/16/10, may she rest in piece.
I'm so sad to have lost her, she was my first car, but I suppose life has a beginning and an end and it was Bonnie's end.
The Event:
I was driving to work on that Tuesday morning and I was coming to the intersection on Platte ave and Union when the SUV in front of me stopped suddenly, which caused me to slam on my brakes. I didn't have anti-lock brakes so I skidded to a stop, luckily I stopped just in time to NOT hit the SUV in front of me. I was about 1 foot away from them. However, the SUV behind me did not stop in time and reared into me causing me to push into the SUV in front of me. As a result.....Bonnie got the brunt of the damage.
Pisces Dates Zodiac
2 months ago