Thursday, February 7, 2008

The solution

So I think I've found the solution to my problem. All this time I've been blaming Garrett for our relationship problems, but its all really my fault. I shouldn't have opened up my feelings to him in the first place. I should have just stayed emotionally away from him like I had in the beginning. I need to detach myself from him. Then everyone wins. I won't feel like a muck and get my heart hurt again, and he doesn't have to share his feelings for me. It works! Operation: Heart Closure is now in progress. Back to being the old me again. I'm not sure why I let him see right in me and open up to him, but I won't make the mistake again. I need to reverse the damage, it's time to clean up my mess and attempt to go back in time. I'll be happier. I've always been happier keeping my feelings locked away. It was silly of me to even let them out. Goodbye cruel feelings! I'm locking you up and throwing away the key!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've got this feeling

The feeling that Garrett wants to break up with me, or at least doesn't want to be with ME anymore keeps getting stronger and stronger. I know this sounds bad but I logged on to his facebook and he had been writing a message to this girl "Ashley" a girl he had a huge crush on but broke his heart. This isn't irrelevant to it, but it was on my birthday, dumb I know. But anyways, he's been planning on hanging out with her and has been constantly checking up on her. I'm concerned. should I be? Am I just being a stupid jealous girlfriend when there is no need to be?
I don't know what to do anymore, I just want him to tell me what he wants, and if he doesn't want me anymore he needs to get it over with. I can't stand here and wait for him the whole time while he drags me along!