There are times when I feel that being a female is a curse. Sometimes I hate being female and would rather be male. Sure us females are able to do a lot of things, and some things that males can't, but I feel that we also get shafted.
Today I was weighing out the pros and cons of being a woman versus being a man. Unfortunately the con side won. The major ones that stood out to me as I was looking over the con side of my list are: 1) As women we have to rely on men to do things we can't physically do ourselves, or that they have more knowledge in. AND 2) It's ok for men to spend a lot of time with a girl that's a "friend" even if he has a girlfriend, but it's not ok for the woman to have a good guy "friend" if she has a boyfriend (this one is just from my observations and experience. Now, there are many other cons I found as well, but these two were ones that really frustrated me.
I'm a very independent person, I feel that I have the ability to do a lot of things on my own if not most things. I don't like having to rely on others for anything whether that be car trouble, helping me hang up shelves because I don't have the tools necessary, or lifting things I don't have the strength for. So I absolutely hate it when I have to ask a man, or anyone for that matter for help with something that I failed to develop skills in. I feel like I have to rely more on men than they have to rely on me. In fact I don't know when they ever have to rely on me.
Now, I'm not trying to sound feminist and sexist here, but I'm just trying to express how I feel sometimes when I am unable to do the things I want, and how unhappy I am when I have to rely on others. Why can't I be able to do everything?
Why can't I walk the streets late at night? Why can't I play pro football or hockey? Why do I have to worry about being abducted and raped? Why do I have to be careful?
In the words of No Doubt: "I'm just a girl in the world...
That's all that you'll let me be!"
Pisces Dates Zodiac
3 months ago
1 comment:
On a general level, there are things women can do that men would never be able to accomplish. Men generally have the advantage physically, and in this case you have to go to the higher source for an answer to that. Thats how HE designed the sexes. SO lets move on to the other things.
Boyd K Packer gave a talk about the nature of men and women. Here are a few quotes that i liked.
"The separate natures of man and woman were designed by the Father of us all to fulfill the purposes of the gospel plan."
You have to accept that there are differences in men and women, but that they were made for us to be able to progress.
"Only a woman can bestow upon man that supernal title of father.
She in turn becomes a mother. Can anyone dispute that her part is different from and more demanding than his? The mother must endure limitations while nature performs the miracle of creation."
I feel that her part is more demanding because only woman is capable on a large scale of this kind of responsibility. Where there is more responsibility there is more trust.
"Men and women have complementary, not competing, responsibilities. There is difference but not inequity. Intelligence and talent favor both of them. But in the woman’s part, she is not just equal to man; she is superior! She can do that which he can never do; not in all eternity can he do it. There are complementing rewards which are hers and hers alone."
"It should not disturb either men or women that some responsibilities are bestowed upon one and not the other."
"Many in the world now press for a melding of the identities of man and woman, claiming that the virtue of equality requires a homogenization of all relationships"
Please don't feel like you are cursed for being a woman. That is who you are, from before the world was formed and you have things that only a woman can do, that you need to do, and that only you can do. You are so blessed to have that responsibility, and I hope you don't get caught up in what you can't do. You can not do everything by yourself. No one can, and thats the way it is.
You have so much to offer others, and im sure you give much more than you receive. Men and women have to work together to get the most out of life. Neither one could do it alone. Especially men!
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