Monday, June 8, 2009

16 Hours of Relaxation

From this last Friday at 11pm to Saturday at 2pm I had the most relaxing time. It has been a VERY long time since I've felt so relaxed and at peace. It was amazing. It was something I really needed. I've been so high strung, busy and stressed that I probably would have exploded soon.

Water has always calmed me. The sound of rain, the sound of a waterfall, but most of all being out on the lake or the ocean. Boats are so soothing to me. I just feel like I'm so far from all of my stress and my life in general. It helps me take a step back and just clear my mind and rejuvinate my body.

One day I'll be able to own my own boat and not have to rely on my good friend Aaron. He was explaining to me about how much speed boats run, they are about the same as a new car, depending on the kind of boat. I think I'm going to start learning more about boats. Maybe I'll start up a boat fund. ha ha ha. I have so many other funds, why not?

Today I started looking at power boats and speed boats. I've come across the one I really want I think. Here is a picture of it.

Isn't it pretty? It is called a Supra Gravity 24 SSV. It has 340 HP and holds up to 16 people. AWESOME. This is now my dream boat. SOOOO PRETTY.

One day you'll find me out on the lake or ocean just chillaxing on this pretty baby. Oh jealous.

It'll be a while before I can afford it...I'm still in school....but even if I don't get my dream boat here, I will get a boat. It's the one thing I know that relaxes me. The material item in life that I'd really like to have. So one day, my 16 hours of relaxation won't be so limited.

1 comment:

Patty Sampson said...

LOVE the boat! You have good taste. :) And I am sure you will get one. Life is best when you can unwind, and I am so glad you got to go. I think another reason boats are so relaxing is that you leave so much of life on shore and bring only the necessities. No restrictive clothing, no extra crap. Just you and nature... aaahhh!